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The German natural fiber industry is on the rise!

Positive news from the German natural fiber industry has historically been associated primarily with the completion of new research projects and the development of innovative technologies and natural fiber products. Now, the economy is catching up, and groundbreaking, practical developments along with corresponding investments have been announced.

Hanffaser Geiseltal e.G. has reported the successful conclusion of financing talks for the establishment of a hemp fiber building materials factory in the southern region of Halle/Saale. In close cooperation with Hanffaser Uckermark e.G., various building materials made from hemp fibers and hemp hurds, partially combined with mineral base materials, will be produced. According to available information, a whole-plant breaker facility is to be installed in Mücheln at the Geiseltalsee.

Good news also comes from Feldefibers GmbH in Brandenburg. The new processing facility for producing short textile fibers, primarily from hemp but also from flax and nettle, is largely installed. Commissioning is expected to take place in the coming weeks. Feldefibers GmbH will grow and process hemp, flax, and nettle straw on several thousand hectares northwest of Berlin.

There are also exciting developments at Farmhus GmbH in Roßwein, Saxony. This year, Farmhus successfully demonstrated the practical feasibility of its field retting process for hemp fibers. Using a modified field chopper, hemp is mowed, retted, and laid out to dry on the field. Harvesting in midsummer allows for rapid drying, enabling low-risk storage and baling directly in the field.

Natuvalis GmbH in Thurnau, Franconia, has announced the acquisition of a decommissioned biogas plant, which will be repurposed as a site for hemp fiber production and refinement. This year, Natuvalis again harvested hemp using the parallel harvesting principle and successfully stored it under a well-retted condition, leveraging extensive new experience gained during the process.

FUSE GmbH from Zwenkau is planning a significant investment in 2025, in collaboration with Natuvalis GmbH, in innovative harvesting technology. Over two years, available harvesting technologies were tested, and the investment was prepared. The decision has been made in favor of the drawn CRETES parallel hemp harvester, which has already proven its practical effectiveness in France. The processing of parallel hemp and flax straw will take place in Zwenkau, where the corresponding fiber processing facility is currently under construction. Also under development is the FUSE-TAPE facility, with production expected to begin in early summer next year.

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