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Hemp Tape


Novel staple fibre-reinforced semi-finished products with unidirectional fibre orientation (UD tapes) based on application-optimised hemp fibres and biopolymers as a resource-efficient alternative for glass fiber components. 


07/2022 - 08/2025

Funding Body:
Technology Transfer Programme Lightweight Construction of the Federal Ministry of Economics Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). Thematic funding priority: CO2 savings through resource efficiency and substitution in lightweight construction. 

Funding amount: 1,174,980 € 

The Hemp Tape project can draw on already developed production technologies for the manufacture of semi-finished surface products with unidirectional natural fibre arrangement (bio-UD tapes) on a pilot plant scale. These, as well as the further processing, will be optimised in the project with regard to their suitability for series production and further developed to a pilot level. 


In contrast to the state of the art, which has always failed due to the unsuitable cost structures of the processing technologies and raw materials with regard to industrial transfer, the approach of the planned project specifically addresses the economic efficiency and thus the transferability of both raw materials and processes (cost savings potential of at least 45 % compared to the currently published development status).  


To this end, the project is also looking at the conception and initiation of resource-efficient value chains for the provision of bio-based raw materials and semi-finished products for high-performance applications, as well as possible recycling concepts. The development results are to be demonstrated on the basis of a generic use case (a component that is already being mass-produced from glass fiber). This also forms the basis for a comparative ecological balance and evaluation to precisely determine CO2 saving potentials through material substitution.  

In its partner structure, the project places a strong focus on interdisciplinarity and the use of the resulting synergy effects. On the one hand, emphasis is placed on vertical networking of the actors from research via innovative small and medium-sized enterprises to large industrial companies. 

  • Hanffaser Uckermark e.G.,  

  • BYK-Chemie GmbH,  

  • Technische Universität Chemnitz  

  • Fraunhofer IMWS,  

  • Centrotherm Systemtechnik GmbH,   

  • SachsenLeinen GmbH

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Dipl. Ing. Kay Kölzig

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